July 2013 During the first year of service I met Marumi, a JICA (the Japanese Equivalent of the Peace Corps) volunteer, during an event organized to create networking opportunities and collaborations amongst environmental volunteers throughout the country. During the seminar Marumi got along very well with Ernesto (the leader of Piedras Gordas’ environmental co-op) and me. Although we are both environmental volunteers our organizations have different goals and focuses. I was assigned to live in and work on projects in a single community for two years, whereas Marumi lived in an ANAM (Panamanian Environmental Protection Agency) complex and travel throughout the country to train Panamanians in various environmental conservation techniques. Marumi told Ernesto and me that she was interested in coming to Piedras Gordas to work with the environmental co-op and to see some of the techniques that Peace Corps Volunteers use to manage community environmental proj...
Life in Panama with the Peace Corps as a Community Environmental Conservation Volunteer.